These all-natural dog treats are made from 100% wild boar, air-dried and free-range for a hypoallergenic option that's high in healthy fats and protein. In addition, chewing on wild boar...
Pets are wonderful companions, and they deserve to be well-cared for. That's why our team of experts puts their skills and passion into creating high-quality dog treats that you can...
Say goodbye to pet boredom with Roast Whole Bone (Jurassic), a one ingredient dog chew that acts as a natural toothbrush and is mentally stimulating for your larger, aggressive chewer. Our...
Elevate Chew Time with Our Premium Puffed Cow Ears! Treat your furry companion to a gourmet delight with our Premium Puffed Cow Ears Sourced from the highest-quality cow ears, these...
Cheesy & delicious, blended with pure peanut butter! Our bakery has crafted a deliciously cheesy training treat without the use of actual cheese. These treats are ideal for dogs who are...
Our Premium Rabbit Skin (approx 15cm) is made from 100% natural, high-protein, and low-fat hairy rabbit skins. These delicious treats have been air dried to retain all of their natural...
This all-natural food topper is made of sustainably sourced whole rabbit and a hearty serving of fur. It's perfect for dogs needing a gut-cleansing boost while also promoting a positive...
Enhance your dog's diet with our premium Smoked and Peanut Butter Veggie Pig Ears. These vegetarian treats offer essential vitamins and minerals, and come in two delicious flavours: natural smoked...
Premium Wild Boar Sticks are a prime source of chondroitin, a vital nutrient for joint health and pain management. They are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals for overall...