Discover the benefits of Dried Duck Wings for your dog! These 100% natural treats provide high levels of protein, glucosamine, and chondroitin to promote healthy joints. Free of grains and...
These Premium Fruit and Veggie Bones boast incredible flavor pairings and are packed with nutritious fruits and vegetables that support your dog's health. Our recipe includes baked sweet potatoes and...
Our Top Selling Braided Lamb is made from 100% Air dried Lamb Skin. High in Protein, Low in Fat and Hypoallergenic these are perfect for those with allergies or sensitivities...
Kelp Seaweed Powder For Dogs 100% natural premium kelp seaweed powder is a delicious and nutritious topper that supports the health of your dogs teeth and coat. Our 100% natural kelp...
Introducing our Premium Pigs Ear Strips, made from 100% natural ingredients and free from grains and gluten. These high-quality treats provide your pet with essential protein and a delicious flavor....
Unleash the joy of snack time with our Premium Bully Bites Dog Treats – the perfect bite-sized delight for your furry friend! 🐶Made of the durable inner part of cow...
100% Natural Lamb Trotters These Lamb Trotters are durable, long lasting tasty dog treats for even the most vigorous chewers! Key Benefits: Hypoallergenic A great alternative to pig trotters Helps maintain...
Our Premium Bully Tubes are a satisfying chew in a perfectly petite package. They are naturally rich in chondroitin and collagen which are essential for joint health. They are easily...
Basa Skin Twists are crafted from 100% Air dried Basa Fish Skin and contain essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These treats are palatable, easy to digest, and highly beneficial...